
Följande källor har haft stor betydelse för Prata Om Alkohols övergripande utformning av metodmaterial och övningar:

Botvin, G.J. & Griffin, K.W. (2007). School-based programmes to prevent alcohol, tobacco and other drug use. International Reviews of Psychiatry, 19(6), pp. 607-615.

Coggans, N. (2006). Drug education and prevention: Has progress been made? Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 13(5), pp. 417-422.

Cuijpers, P. (2002). Effective ingredients of school-based drug prevention program. A systematic revirew. Addictive Behaviors, 27(6), pp. 1009-1023.

Espada, J.P., Griffin, K.W., Pereira, J.R., Orgilés, M. & Garcia-Fernández, J.M. (2012). Component Analysis of a School-Based Substance Use Prevention Program in Spain: Contributions of Problem Solving and Social Skills Training Content. Prevention Science, 13(1), pp. 86-95. Sivertun and Helldin 2006).

Faggiano, F., Vigna-Taglianti, F.D., Versino, E., Zambon, A., Borraccino, A. & Lemma, P. (2008). School-based prevention for illicit drugs use: A systematic review. Preventive Medicine, 46(5), pp. 385-396. Ferrer-Wreder et al 2005

Karlsson, P. (2006). Margins of Prevention – On Older Adolescents’ Positive and Negative Beliefs about Illicit Drug Use. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, Socialhögskolan.

Porath-Waller, A.J., Beasley, E. & Beirness, D.J. (2010). A Meta-Analytic Review of School-Based Prevention for Cannabis Use. Health Education & Behavior, 37(5), pp. 709-723.Wilson et al 2001)

Sherman, E. & Primack, B.A. (2009). What works to prevent adolescent smoking? A systematic Review of the national cancer institute´s research-tested intervention programs. Journal of School Health, 79(9), pp. 391-399.

Soole, D., Mazerolle, L. & Rombouts, S. (2008). School-Based Drug Prevention Programs: A Review of What Works. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 41(2), pp. 259-286.Andersson, 2008

Stewart-Brown, S. (2006). What is the evidence on school health promotion in improving health or preventing disease and, specifically, what is the effectiveness of the health promoting schools approach? Köpenhamn: WHO Regional Office for Europe.

Stigler, M.H., Neusel, E. & Perry, C.L. (2011). School-Based Programs to Prevent and Reduce Alchol Use among Youth. Alcohol Research & Health, 34(2), pp. 157-162.

Sundell, K. & Forster, M. (2005). En grund för att växa. Forskning om att förebygga beteendeproblem hos barn. Stockholm: Forsknings- och utvecklingsenheten, Socialtjänstförvaltningen. Lemstra et al, 2010

Tobler, N.S., Roona, M.R., Ochshorn, P., Marchall, D.G., Streke, A.V. & Stackpole, K.M. (2000). School-Based Adolescent Drug Prevention Programs: 1998 Meta-Analysis. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 20(4), pp. 275-328. Stephens et al 2009

Philippe De Witte and Mack C. Mitchell Jr. (2012). (ERAB study Edited) Underage Drinking A Report on Drinking in the Second Decade Europe and north America

Jean-Pascal Assailly (2012). Young people and alcohol Trends, causes, consequences and strategies of prevention.